How to buy ?
It is very pleasant, easy and secure process.
You don’t need to have account on this site to place an order !
We don’t store or possess any sensitive financial information about transaction. All go through PayPal and Stripe gateways . The only personal information we need is for shipping agent (address, name, phone, email). Without this impossible to make any courier shipment. Your order will be executed next business day after receiving the payment. You will receive valid tracking code for every order You have.
If You have any problems during the checkout process, like:
- wrong shipping cost calculated
- not working promo code
- any problems entering Your address
- wrong currency in checkout
please don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible !
Our emails , are always ready to help You. We’re answering within an hour from 7 a.m to 9 p.m London time.
For urgent matters You may call us or contact, using Watsapp, Viber by phone (+371)29505135.
We accept the following payment methods :
- direct bank transfer
- credit/debit card ( paypal and stripe gateways – You don’t need to have paypal account ! )
- PayPal ( You are eligible for “Paypal Buyer Protection” ), please contact us for Paypal invoice !
We ship our products Worldwide. For more precise and updated info, please visit our Payment ans Shipping page.