Indoor wooden sandpit on legs & outdoor sensory equipment: BarinToys compact sand and water table outdoor playset of two with cover.
BarinToys children’s water table and sandpit with cover: 2 wooden sandpit tables set for both indoor and outdoor use.
Sand and water table preschool use it indoors for sensory activity: fill with different materials (depending of the child age) like: pine cones, shells, rocks, pebbles, wooden balls, glass marbles, kinetic sand. Also can recommend for infants to play with dried peas, corn, broad beans of different sizes and colors. Magical learning practices which can teach the children to gain nature diversity in easy and safe play environment. Play activity table side bumpers will hold the filling inside the sandpit. Raised wooden sandpit square tables gain kids the access from all the 4 sides of the sandpit box at once.
BarinToys sensory toys & outdoor activity toys for summer fun and water play.
BarinToys small sandpit table and water play table set of two is versatile play equipment & summer outdoor toy. It can be used for infant water play activities (even indoors), it’s lightweight and portable water play table, so the kids will play every time with clean water. Standing infant activity table for water play is safe for toddlers, due to small water level and raised construction on legs. It’s summer toy for outdoor fun for 1 year olds and preschooler age kids, garden toys for small gardens and sustainable backyard play toys made from wood. It’s UV resistant long-lasting outdoor messy play table and water toys for outside and inside both use.
BarinToys sandpit table size: 46cm x 60cm x 60cm height
BarinToys water table size: 46cm x 60cm x 60cm height
For storage both tables should be placed like on the photo and take the space a little bigger then for the one table. Both wooden tables can be used as a sandpit or sensory play tables. For water play table should be used with insert provided. Wooden sandpit with cover provided keeps mud / sand clean and inclusion free. We advise to put in the middle of the sandpit play bucket toy to prevent rain puddle. For wind protection don’t forget to tie the cover corners with laces.
Mud kitchen and children’s garden toys:
young gardener pretend play set.
Next stage of BarinToys sandpit and water play table for older kids is gardener pretend play.
Our Mini Garden tables is a full set for mud kitchen works and seedling growing table. Young gardener can make a soil mix and plant the seeds in the trays for growing and vegetation. Also one table can be used for a small growing bed for plants for a children’s gardening learning (for a first time use a quick growing seeds or use a pots to grow seedlings for planting in the soil for larger plants).
Also BarinToys raised wooden tables can be used at the patio / balcony for flower pots compositions. BarinToys garden toys are not only for kids, it’s a “palette for a painters” or every gardener knows own needs and unique ideas.
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